Layer Sequencer Script

Jul 2023

A better way to sequence layers

Usage Guide:

Specify the number of frames to sequence by.

Set to 0 to sequence by the layer's full duration.

Input a negative number to overlap from the layer's end.

Press OK or Enter to confirm.


Installation Guide:

1. Download and place the "Better Layer Sequencer.jsx" file in your After Effects scripts folder:

Windows: Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2023\Support Files\Scripts

Mac: Applications\Adobe After Effects 2023\Scripts

2. Restart After Effects.

3. Launch the script: File > Scripts > Better Layer Sequencer.

4. (Optional) For quick access, set a shortcut:

-Navigate to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.

-Search for "Better Layer Sequencer".

-Assign your preferred shortcut (I recommend Alt + Q).

I believe in freedom of information, so I’m giving this tool for FREE. If it helps you as much as it has helped me, consider leaving a donation. It's not required, but it’s a great way to say thanks and help me give more!

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